Please respond to the question below for course credit for the Microsoft Publisher class.

*What kind of Publisher document did you create for use in your classroom?
*What project/activity did you have your students use Publisher for in your classroom?

6/17/2013 05:18:37 am

I made a brochure to be given to the parents at back to school night with the link to my weebly, schedule, and expectations for students.

Carla Gray
6/17/2013 06:50:58 am

I plan on using this in my classroom as a tool for my students to use to publish science mini books using the card option. I look forward to finding new ways to motivate my students through the use of publisher. Students will find this program fun and motivating I am sure. Today I made a birthday banner that I can change and post for studnent birthdays.

Marilyn Woodside
6/17/2013 07:01:50 am

I created one book which will start a set of sight word books. I also created a birthday banner which I needed. I also learned how to do a brochure. I will use this to help my students create a report to share with thier families. This was a great class, and I will definately use it in my classroom.

7/8/2013 07:44:46 am

I created a "News Lettrer to Psarents." I will send home this letter to parents the first day of school. I have the idea of sending this news letter monthly.

Denise Lilly
7/11/2013 06:57:55 am

I updated and jazzed up my Open Disclosure Statement for next year!


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